When DSL was first developed in 1989 it was designed primarily
for video. ADSL was the flavor of choice because it provides
the high downstream rates needed for streaming video. Video
on Demand (VOD) was viewed as the next generation service
supporting the next generation network from telephone companies
around the world. Video on Demand was expected to be the telephone
company's way of competing with cable television providers,
and ADSL was the technology to make it possible. However,
with few exceptions, VOD has not proven to be as popular as
was once predicted. Instead, the market for DSL has emerged
much differently than was once expected. As it turns out,
personal computer users need high-speed access to the Internet
and corporate networks from residences and remote offices.
Now, this PC user market has captured the attention of both
cable TV providers and telephone companies, as both are furiously
working to meet their needs.